ladies and gentlemen, today (september 26, 2010) is the first day of my OCTOBER OVERHAUL. i know what you're thinking - i realize it's still september, but i'm hoping to give myself a little bit of leeway before october 1 hits.
what OO entails:
a) goals set to better myself emotionally and physically
b) a realistic, positive outlook toward exercise and food
c) a commitment to stick to both a) and b) to the very best of my ability
a) the goals:
note: a few are personal and i believe should be kept as such, but the ones i choose to share are:
- clean up room/make bed every morning (or night, whichever fits the schedule best)
- exercise/walk/do p90x/yoga/pilates/sit ups/push ups 6 days a week (the slashes to indicate either, not all at once!)
- find interesting, stimulating books to read (non-school related!)
- keep a positive attitude about P being gone - stay in good contact and not be overwhelmed by his absence
- work to save money for SB and other fun trips
- savor fall! it's going to be a beautiful week (or so says iphone)
- ride bike more frequently
- experiment with at least 2 new ingredients/products every week
- reach out to friends/co-workers
- understand/think about my relationship with food
- keep kitchen/house clean
- blog more frequently!
i'm certain that more goals may develop, but as for now, these are what i have come up with and am excited about.

it's time for me to turn over a new leaf and get my life back to where i want it to be and to where i know it can be . . . i control my own fate and my own thoughts, and i need to take responsibility for both of those.