: a journey to find little smatterings of joy disguised as regular moments of everyday life :

an american girl in italy 1951 : ruth orkin

Friday, April 30, 2010

3 : potty times #1

today, my amusement comes from something that i know others have frequently experienced - whether you're the perpetrator or on the receiving end, it's an inevitable incident. the moment i'm referring to is the face that most every female person on earth makes when they know they're face-to-face with the person who will be unlucky enough to utilize the compromised stall after them.

the progression of the face goes something like this: eyes widen at the sound of the main bathroom door opening, cheeks flush scarlet, body temperature rises slightly. the realization sets in that you've got to face the person no matter what, so the process of preparing yourself for embarassment begins. you give yourself a quick pep talk about how "maybe she won't even notice, it wasn't THAT bad after all," and unlock the stall. you step out, making absolutely 155% sure that you keep your eyes completely averted from the girl in line. she may or may not try to engage in some social niceties such as a smile or a "hi," but you're so focused on not looking at her that you have no clue that she has made the effort - you're just trying to beat the land speed record for hand-washing before she realizes the damage you've done. however, if you're anything like me, the last (and most mortifying) part of the situation comes when you hear that tell-tale sharp intake of breath from the girl in your stall . . . busted. the trump card: you see her no less than four times throughout the course of the day and you everything in your power to look anywhere else BUT at her - you've never been so fascinated by the postings on the bulletin board before! ahh . . .


  1. There are bathrooms for such incidents to occur, as in, the hidden library bathroom on the basement floor, the Benson "Poop" stall in yet again, the basement, or for the rather unlucky, the rush to the first bathroom in sight, generally the one-stall uni-sex-er. Is this a tribute to our friends, because I'm loving it!

  2. Ok, so the title of this post is making me question my whole understanding of the Potty #1/ Potty #2 system...the more offensive is a #2, right?


  3. rach, i made it potty #1 cuz i know, frankly, that there will be more than one blog post about potty times :)

  4. I could not have picked a better day to read this post. Amazing Emerrrrrrrrrry. I miss you. All of you.
